Thursday 26 December 2013

Vegetarian Week

On Monday December 16th marked the official first day of my vegetarianism. I always feel that after eating meat at dinner, I feel super full and bloated. I also began thinking of the meat we eat as "rounded up dead animals" and it made me feel gross to eat it.

Now this isn't a permanent thing; at first I wanted to try it as a 7 day experiment, but after my 7 days were up, I decided I felt better not eating meat, and it was not difficult at all! There are so many vegetarian options I can eat, and I love creating healthy meals.

Today, Thursday December 26th, is currently day 11 meat free. Yes, I even opted out of having turkey dinner to Christmas last night.

My family doesn't agree with my decision to not eat meat, but it's my choice not theirs. I don't know how long I plan to do this, and it does not matter. I'll do it whenever I want, and if one day I want to eat meat, then I will, because it's my life and my body. But for now, i'm perfectly content not eating it.

Here are some meals I put together for dinner. I always post my breakfasts,lunch, and snacks, so I thought i'd show you guys the dinner photos.

The meals consist of Salads (because i'm obsessed), stir-fry, and sandwiches.

Salads are: Spinach, cucumber, tomato, avocado, sometimes a boiled egg, pecans and strawberries.
The one sandwich is from East Side Marios
My homemade sandwich is: Whole grain bread, mayonnaise, mustard, spinach, cucumber and tomato.
The stir fry is: Brown rice cooked and veggies cooked with organic coconut oil. (Broccoli, carrots, asparagus, celery, red pepper, lime)

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